Olivier Nteziryayo

Project Management

This week assignment is to study git and build personal webisite.

Task to be completed


Download and Install Git


Git is a software for tracking changes in a set of files especially in collaboration work of source code development project where one or several people need to work on the same project(s). Downloading Git is straightfroward. You can download it from Git official website



Choose the downloads depending on your operating system



Download and Install text editor: Visual Studio Code


Visual Studio Code is a source-code editor. It is free to use and available to all operating sysytems: Windows, Linux and macOS. Hence its popularility. To get it visit Visual Studio Code official webisite Visual

Afterward, I opened the setup to install it.

Cloning my remote repository

After installing git and VS Code, I opened open my Git homepage (class) and copied to desktop. Next I opened terminal in VS Code and configure my profile(local folder) to sync it with git account.

After successfull syncing the local folder, I select source control

Next, I add comment (brief description of the change) and commit as master

Lastly, I sync the changes by selecting synch icon.